You Only Have from October 15th to December 7th To Change Your Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
October 15th to December 7th marks the Medicare Open Enrollment Period.This is the only time each year that Medicare beneficiaries are allowed to switch their Medicare Prescription Drug Plans. You should consider having a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Review.Plans change annually based on performance and competition. Even if your drugs haven't changed this last year, your Plan probably has. And, if your drugs have changed, you definitely should have a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Review.
It is important to note that the price you pay for drugs is determined by the Plan in which you are enrolled.In addition, each Plan categorizes and prices drugs differently. Depending upon where you live, you are likely to have at least 25 different Plans from which to choose.
Your drugs costs can vary by up to thousands of dollars depending upon the Plan you are in.There is no reason to leave money on the table.
I Have Yet to Have a Client for Whom the Best Plan for Them One Year Continued to be the Best Plan for Them the Next Year.
TIP:As always, the best way for you to save on drugs is to move from branded drugs to generic drugs.I encourage you to contact your doctor to see if he/she thinks an appropriate generic drug alternative is available for you. What I Need to Help You:Email the information below along with a phone number at which to contact you.We can have a conversation to confirm your current coverage and discuss your pharmacy preferences.I can then determine which Plan best meets your needs.
·Drug Name:Including all descriptors such as HCL, HCTZ, SR, etc. ·Dosage:This is usually in mg, such as 20 mg, 10 mg, etc. ·Frequency:How many times do you take the drug each day? ·Zip CodeZip code of residence. TIP:If you have been prescribed drugs by multiple doctors, bring the drug list to the local pharmacist.He/She should gladly provide a consultation to insure there are no potential adverse drug interactions. Timing:Open Enrollment is only for the period October 15th – December 7th.
About Esther Koch:Esther Koch is a Medicare Advisor and Gerontologist.She is an Aging Network Partner with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and the Administration on Aging, and was a delegate to the White House Conference on Aging.Esther is a frequent speaker on Medicare, eldercare, and retirement/aging-related topics.